James Burkhart (Burgardt) 1959–2021


This page is for James' friends and clients who wonder what happened to him.

I'm a long-standing client who knew James for over twenty years. On January 24, 2021, I sent him this message:

Hey JB—¿qué onda? Hope all is well. The month is almost over, and we've not had a session. Shall we schedule?

He didn't reply. The next day, I asked a friend who was also a client if he'd heard from James. He'd not. I immediately had a bad feeling; James was always hustling, and was very proactive about lining up work. Because I knew his brother lived nearby, I did a Google search for him. Eventually, I was able to find a phone number, and left a message with him inquiring about James.

On January 29, James' brother returned my call, and informed me that James had died from complications of a heart attack on January 10. James had a ventricular septal defect. Presumably, this was congenital and the cause of his heart failure.

James' brother tried for some months to gain access to his phone in order to obtain contact information for his friends and clients. I believe he gave up when Apple demanded a court order. I've published this page in hopes that those who may be moved to do an Internet search for news of James will land here and learn what happened.

James was a fine person and an exceptionally skilled healer. I miss him tremendously.

If you'd like to get in touch with others who knew James, share a memory or pay tribute to our mutual friend, subscribe to the mailing list.
